Extra-curricular clubs and activities

Although we are a small school, with just eight classes, we are very proud that we are able to provide a range of extra curricular clubs and activities at different times throughout each school year. Some of our extra curricular activities are offered to specific pupils or year groups, whilst others are open to all children.

Every day starts with St Mary's Breakfast Club, from 7.30am and finishes with Tea Time Club which runs until 5.30pm. Plus over the past few years we have provided all of the following extra curricular activities:

Swimming, archery, martial arts, aquathlon, tag rugby, netball, athletics, football, gym trail, musical instrument tuition, dodgeball, basketball, Bikeability and dodgeball.

We are extremely grateful to the school staff and others, who voluntarily give up their time to run extra curricular clubs for free. We also make use of a range of specialist coaches and teachers, who bring their expertise into school to run extra curricular activities which enhance the children's experience at St Mary's.