Friday 3rd April 2020 parent/carer update

Dear All

This will be the final daily update before the Easter holidays. There is no requirement for care for critical workers' children over the Easter holidays, so the school will be officially closed until Monday 20th April. If you need to contact us in the meantime, please email as emails will be checked daily.

Google Classroom and Tapestry

Because the school is closed, all of the teachers will be taking their two weeks holiday at the same time as the children. This means that they will be placing some ongoing holiday activities on Google Classroom (GC) or Tapestry for Amber Class to keep the children going, but will not be setting daily activities. (The children need a break too!) I am grateful that all teachers have expressed the wish to keep in touch with the children on GC and Tapestry over the next two weeks and we have agreed that comments from teachers will be limited to Monday to Friday between 9am and 3pm. Over the holidays, these comments won't be so frequent, but from 20th April, teachers will start to set daily English and Maths activities, plus weekly topic related work and they will interact with you and the children about the learning in more detail again. If you have queries or problems with Google Classroom then please email Please don't email the school office as they are not able to help with this.

School Website 

I have been placing all of my daily updates on the latest news section of the school website. This is on the left hand side of the homepage a little way down. Also today, we have set up a coronavirus page under the 'learning' menu of the website. This includes lots of ideas for home learning with links to all sorts of websites that might be helpful to you.

Mrs Etheridge

As you may know, Mrs Etheridge is leaving us at the end of the holidays. It has been very strange not to be able to say a proper farewell, but I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all of her work at the school over the past three and a half years. We will miss her and will definitely be inviting her back to say a proper goodbye, once life is back to normal. Amber Class parents/carers will still be hearing from Mrs Etheridge over the next two weeks on Tapestry, before she officially leaves us. Best wishes and good luck for the future Mrs Etheridge.

I do hope that you are able to relax a little over the next two weeks and I would like to send you all my best wishes for a peaceful and healthy Easter. 

Best wishes, Geraldine Denham-Hale